There is a limit to the number of failed attempts to charge the card. If you are unable to charge on your 5th attempt, wait for 15 minutes before trying again.
After 10th failed attempts, you will not be able to charge your e-PIN for the next 30 minutes.
After 15th failed attempts, you will not be able to charge your e-PIN for the next 1 hour.
After 20th failed attempts, you will not be able to charge your e-PIN for the next 24 hours (1 day).
Check the alphabets and digits of the Serial No. / Security Code / SN / PIN carefully; e.g. a zero may be mistaken as a big O.
If you are still experiencing problems using your scratch card or electronic Pin, please submit a ticket to Cherry Messenger with the following information:
- Serial No. and Security Code of scratch card / SN and PIN / Electronic Pin Code
- Error message encountered