What is Mobile OTP?

Mobile OTP is a new security feature for your account!

Your account is important, that's why we're taking no chances. Introducing the new OTP (one-time password) authentication feature which adds another layer of security to your account.

  1. Log in to your Cherry Exchange account and click Settings > Mobile then Change.

  2. Enter the 6-digit Security pin which you registered when you signed up for a Cherry Credits account. After you’re done, click Submit.


  3. A one-time password will be sent to your mobile number provided. Please check your SMS and enter the given password.

    Note: The one-time password will expire in 3 minutes. You will need to request for a new one-time password after the stipulated time frame.

  4. This message will appear upon successful verification.


  5. Go to Setting Services > Account Security to activate or deactivate the One-Time Password authentication.

    Note: Currently, the OTP authentication feature will cover any “Change Password” activities. We will soon be extending the OTP authentication feature to more functions in future to better protect your account.


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